Carrot War…bad sister!


ImageIt’s seems like forever the last time I enjoyed the sunshine outside!! I miss my mud puddles and my big boy pool. Hopefully mom will fill that up soon.

Ok, you must all have to agree the cold has to go. It’s so awful, my piggy belly has gained so many rolls from being house bound that I’m starting to barely make it up when I jump on the bed and the couch. Time to start getting outside and loose this extra ham!

Me and my chihuahua sister Nelly Bear finally got to do some bonding today. We went outside for a bit, of course she ran circles and was to quick for me and the nerve of her stealing my carrots! What dog steals a pigs carrot? Really?? ….and she loves eating my Cheerios, what’s this piggy gonna do???

She does all these fancy dances for treats, it’s kinda cute but don’t mess with the ham of the house Nelly Bear!!!



Happy New Year!

Happy 2014! Hope everyone survived the craziness of the holidays. Between all the remodeling the house, and the cold weather with all that snow, it’s time I need to get back into the swing of things. I must have been a real good piggy this year because Santa brought me a new bed and a pair of piggy socks to help me walk on these new hardwoods. I think I’m finally getting the hang of this piggy thing! Although the bed is not doing so hot, I kinda got a little bored while mom and dad was at work the other day as you can see……Image               Yeah, Thats me under all that stuffing!  

Snort, laugh, snort” 

And tonight had to be the best when dad decided to reward me for all my good behavior ( not so much) and give me some great tastes of that light and fluffy can of heaven!  Thanks dad your the best!! 🙂

ImageHappy New Year to all my friends! 

Your pal- Bacon xoxo.    🙂

the spoiled piggy..